Dr Glenda Ballantyne - Lead Researcher
Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria, Australia
Glenda Ballantyne (Ph.D. La Trobe, 2001) is a Senior Lecturer (Sociology) and Deputy Chair, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities at Swinburne University. Before moving into academia, Glenda worked as a publisher and editor and was active in the women’s movement and local initiatives to foster intercultural dialogue and active citizenship. Her early work on hermeneutical theories of modernity culminated in her book, Creativity and Critique: Subjectivity and Agency in Touraine and Ricoeur (Brill 2007). She has published texts on “multiple modernities” and the persistence and transformation of Turkish Alevi traditions in Australia. More recently, she has pursued her interest in fostering dialogue and mutual recognition across cultural boundaries through projects exploring lived experiences of cultural diversity and new directions in multicultural and intercultural policy. She is currently leading a research collaboration with the Victorian Multicultural Commission, Zooming In: multiculturalism through the lens of the next generation, which is exploring contemporary perspectives on cultural diversity and experiences of racism among second-generation Australians. She has pioneered scholarly research on the intercultural cities movement in Australia and is leading the research project Intercultural Cities- the way forward for Australian multiculturalism?
Professor Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Director of GRITIM-UPF, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona-Catalonia-Spain
Professor Bob White
Director of the Laboratory for Research on Intercultural Relations, Département d’anthropologie, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Professor Robyn Eversole
Deputy Director, Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria, Australia
Robyn Eversole is an anthropologist known for her practice-focused research on regional and community development in Latin America and the Asia-Pacific. Her books include Knowledge Partnering for Community Development (2015), Regional Development in Australia: Being Regional (2016), and Anthropology for Development, From Theory to Practice (2018). Much of Robyn’s work is conducted at the interface of universities and communities and seeks to spark innovative responses to social and economic challenges. She holds a PhD in the Anthropology of Development from McGill University, is a former US Fulbright Fellow, and is a current member of the Australian government’s Council on Australia–Latin America Relations. She is also the author of the Bush Prof blog on rural regional development and six books for children.
Dr Kiros Hiruy
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria, Australia
Dr David Radford
Senior Lecturer, Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, University of South Australia
Dr David Radford is Senior Lecturer (Sociology) and Research Degree Coordinator, UniSA Justice and Society, University of South Australia. David’s research focuses on mobilities, identities and social change.
David investigates migration, diversity and interculturality in rural/regional and urban Australia. His research emphasises the importance of the micro, everyday lived experiences of migration and interculturality while drawing on macro factors impacting these experiences. David’s present research projects include investigating refugee-background settlement in rural Australia and exploring how the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities (ICC) model and interculturalism is unfolding in different regions of the world (Australia/Canada/Spain).
David has previously researched the role of local government leadership in managing/promoting diversity; the complex ways that Hazara Afghans negotiate their multiple identities as ‘Aussie Afghans’; investigating the role of refugee parents’ educational aspirations on their children’s academic outcomes; the negotiation of ethnic, religious and national identity in post-Soviet Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan); and how globalisation, innovation and experimentation in the transformation of global airports (Areomobilities) impact on contemporary mobile lives (with Prof Anthony Elliott and Prof John Urry).
Liam Wright
Research Assistant, Department of Social Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria, Australia